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Saturday Breakfast Ride.

Team KCC Saturday Ride "Ooooooo Aaaaaaa Just a little bit (WELL A LOT MORE!) A great morning 2 groups meeting @ the Paint Pot in Elloughton, who provided a great service, thank you. 21 ventured out which at this time of the year and in these conditions, WOW! (Cheers Doris!). The first group was led by the Birthday Boy Ian Zayatte Butler, with Jasmin,Gemma,Paula, Jo with Steve Steve Steve Anderson< they went a more direct route from HQ Dunswell Lane, Cott, Eppleworth Road, Raywell, Great Gutter Lane, Melton Welton and into Elloughton, this gave them Bragging Rights and choice of chairs in the Caff! 3Steves chain came off, other than that really close supportive group, all encouraging each other. Meanwhile the second group: led by Mr SAT NAV Smithy, Rob the boy Acko,Mat Pineapple chunks Williams, PauL Anderson (more about that SOB later) he got a new bike did you know?Allen Parker, Steve Lazenby,Ry(doing a Birjoo) Wiles, Josh Smith,Lee Twydale, Mike Rice, Garry Hutchinson, Jim Johnson with short sleev action, Kev dont leave me Beswick and the old fella me giving us 15, our route went from HQ Dunswell Lane, Cott, Harland Way, Skidby, Little Weighton, left into Rowley then down into Raywell (just a warm up sais Sat Nav) 1st of the hills Ocupation Lane, where Paul Anderson tottally dissed me, let me explain, I take lots of sweets (from the local Ice Cream Man) to energise and am happy to share, in my effort to get the sweety bag out of my pocket, it burst and all my sweets including my special ones went on the road, tried the ten second rule, then the twenty second rule, still couldnt get them all, Paul Anderson had got most of them, Ricey got a few, i was left with a couple of Jelly Babies, not good, Paul talking about being quicker off the mark on pick up skills, meanwhile everyone else had well and truly gone off up the hill, I told him using nice words(No swearing there Mr Butler) to respect his elders!!!!!! OK we go through Swanland, Smithy took a break away group here to miss Woodgates, sneaky Eh? We went into Feriby the up the Infamous Woodgates Hill were one of the group had a puncture, not sure who, im sorry to say, for a bit of fun Ricey Garry Josh Jon also doing a Birjoo, did Woodgates again! Crazy fools, we were joined by Smithy and his group for a cruise into Melton, welton Elloughton and the Cafe!!!!!

The first group looked well relaxed, Ian Butler celebrating his Bee Day with 4 poached eggs on toast followed by a Slab of cake, not like us Hill climbers, they were joined on their return leg by Steve Lazenby Ryan, Lee Rob Acko and Mat, "need to get home early" "got a match" got to get to work" "No more Hills please" Etc Etc, Whatever they went off. Leaving our depleted group to attack, did I say attack? Brantingham Dale OMG, we duly did this Ricey followed by Garry flying up it (Special sweets, doing a good job) the rest of us taking our time: steady cadence not! praying for it to end, seemed steeper some how! A discussion ensued, should we go back to HQ via Raywell or carry on to High Hunsley (yes very HIGH Hunsley) into Walkington, Ricey had a puncture on the descent, Jim finally decided to put a water proof on, still short sleeve action all this time, and we care off again, its safe to say by the time we got out of Walkington I was a spent item (lack of special sweets) PauL Anderson redeemed himself here dragging me into Beverley, Long Lane and them home, were Allen the beast Parker and PauL coached me back to HQ, Jo tells me the return for group 1 was split into two, but they had a good ride back, they even had time for a coffee, Jasmin, Josh has got the keys!Big Thanks to Smithy great routes great cafe, well done mate, the napkin @ the Cafe, now you know 3 Steves, brilliant day again, whats it gonna be like in the Summer??????

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