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KCC Saturday Ride to the Fiddle Drill @ Goodmanham.

2 Groups set off from the tempory HQ , 1st group led by Mr Go Pro Mike Meanwell acompanied by the legend that is Sat Nav Smith, with Jim "another one past!"Johnson, Jo "Im Buzzin Hopkin" and Paula Meanwell (handle to follow) The Route had been put together by 3 Steves Anderson on his new Goorman (Cheaper version of Garmin from Ali Express, nearly as good ERR not quite!) Any way the 2nd group led by 3 Steves, Kamil Butler, on his new bike, nursing a personal injury, The Reverend Bullman (OH I BELEIVE!)PauL Anderson,Allen Parker(handle to follow) Steve Lazenby (ditto) Rob The Boy Acko, Keith is it Martin Cox,Moi,(NDOGG) The best till last Dip Me Dave. As always the 1st group well disciplined caring etc set off at a very good pace, the second group set of a little faster bombed it from HQ to Long Lane and into Beverley past the Golf Couse, were the Goorman started to come into its own, Left then Right, no Left again!!!!!! Straight on! lLeft Right No Straight...... Its going back to China!!!!! Anyway into Cherry were the groups joined up briefly into Etton and onwards to Goodmanham, Dip me Dave had been on the lash apparantly and Kamil Butler was starting to suffer with a personal issue, so group 2 took a breather, The Reverend offerd to cure Kamil which involved plyers fluids and a plough, he said he would rather let the antibiotics run there couse, so be it, we said a prayer for him, Onwards and a Head wind into Goodmanham, were Group 1 and Group 2 met up, Cafe not yet open, so a quick blast into Market Weighton and back, with a little Hill! The Cafe was really good, excellent service, Duly fed and watered Dip me Dave joined group 1 , check his picture on Facebook, Group 2 set off a little later, we heard a couple of Gun Shots and assumed group 1 had shot Dip me Dave! We met up again climbing back into South Dalton, both groups really putting the hammer down, back to Cherry back of Walkington and into Beverley Long Lane and home!!!!! Excellent Route and as the Reverend says great banter, great riding , great club, bring on the Summer, proud to be one of the congregation that is team KCC, hopefully lots of pictures from Mr Go Pro.

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